To meet the rapidly developing market demand, Xiamen Aibort Clothing Co., Ltd. manufactures the basketball teamwear adhering to the highest standards. Our designers keep learning the industry dynamics and thinking out of the box. With the extreme attention to the details, they finally make each part of the product innovative and perfectly matched, endowing it with a fantastic appearance. It has the updated optimal performance, like superior durability and long lifespan, which makes it outperform other products on the market.
Aibort is proud to be among the world's fastest growing brands. The competition is increasingly fierce, but the sales of these products still remain robust. Our products are continual top performers because they meet and exceed customer needs. Most customers have the high comment on these products, whose positive feedback and referrals have effectively helped our brand to build higher awareness among the public.
We have updated and optimized our customers' experience to new levels through enhancement of our actions and motion to continue to offer customers a turnkey solution through Aibort for basketball teamwear.
Company: Xiamen Aibort Clothing Co.,Ltd
Address: 5th, Floor, No. 7, Jinying Road, Xinglin, Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian. China(361022)
Tel: 0086-592-5921298
Contact Person: Ms Shirley Jia
Skype: jia0124shirley
Mobile/WhatApp/WeChat: +86-13906036269